Tree Ring Peace Symbol



1.       Rationalization is the justification of an unacceptable action by a more acceptable, but false, excuse.
Sumber: Buskist, Psychology Boundaries And Frontiers. USA: Harper Collins Publishers.
2.       Rationalization, another defense mechanism, occurs when we distort reality by justifying what happens to us: we develop explanations that allow us to protect our self-esteem.
Sumber S. Feldman, Robert. Psychology Second Edition.
3.       Rationalism are “logical”, they are generally based on false premises. Most every day rationalism are inconsequentional, but of an individual relies too much on this defense mechanism.
Sumber: Ruch, F.L.1975. Psychology and Life 7th ed. Scott: Foresmand and Co.
4.       Rationalism is an unconscious process of devising seemingly logical explanations for a situations that would other wise result in loss of social approval or self esteem.
Sumber: Ruch, F.L.1975. Psychology and Life 7th ed. Scott: Foresmand and Co.

1.       The problem of moral relativism arises from the beliefs that certain actions are objectively right or wrong and that all moral judgements are relative. If all moral judgements are relative (to individuals, societies, religions, etc), then no actions are objectively right or wrong.
Sumber: Jr Theodore, Schick,et al. Doing Philosophy. New York: Mc. Graw Hill co.
2.       The relativistic implications of his claim that the only standards of scientific truth are those criteria generated by the scientific community were sized upon by those who wished to sound the death knell for scientific realism.
Sumber: Kurtines, William M. The Role Of Values in Psychology and Human development.
3.       Relativist view of knowledge, that is sociologist studying the processes of doing natural science.
Sumber: Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. Hugh Coolican.
4.       Relativity of Albert Einstein: events which are simoultaneous with reference to the embankment are simoultaneous with respect to the train and vice versa.
Sumber: White, T.I. 1991. Discovering Phylosophy. USA: Schwister Englewood Cliffs.